Monday, April 25, 2011

Dear April......

Assalamualaikum n hye to all...

Hari ni aku rs mcm nak citer pasal April. Semua kenal sapa April.....

Is the 4th month of the year...every year there are April. But this year, April gave me lots and lots of trials and challenges to faced. Instead, it's not only me, but all of my friends out there or all of the human in this world. Alhamdulillah, i am still here, still here, with me as myself, with the heart that never chages  towards someone, with my health that slowly recover. In 5 days, April will go away, but what's waiting for me in May? No one knows, only He knows all that.

Why r you so tough this time? What r you trying to show us? About life, family, friends, human being, love, hurts, frustration, happy, sad, glory, fall, fun, passion, you, me, them, strength, weakness, our God? What April? What is it? I know, our world are more cruel now., i can't blame it to the world, right April? It's us human, who becoming more cruel than before and the world have to take all the blame for us. Suicides everywhere, natural disaster here and there. What is happening to you my dear world?

Are you trying to make us aware? Do you want us to be aware from our own negligence? Hmm...lots of thing happened my dear April. Forcing us to be stronger than before. We have to smile to live this life even though our heart is not the same. Lots of tears but have to wipe it ourself to feel better again. Cure our wound to get up again as a stronger person. All of that need more than a sacrifice. It needs patience, tolerance, deep thinking, pure heart, prayers, effort and so much more to make us tougher to deal with all His test.

Maybe not just you who gave us a tough time/month. Maybe May too, or June also, or maybe till December. Who know right? Whatever happen, Allah will always be with us. 

Can i share with u something? I am lonely now...because i'm always alone at home ;P hhehehe, just kidding. It's just....deep in my heart, i'm missing someone out there, i'm in love with someone out there. But April, do you think he feel the same as mine? Again...who knows, just he and He knows :) It's been a while for me and i'm still here for him. I'll take all these as a test from him n our Creator. Still in love with him with the same reason as before, still standing here just for him...with patience n smile :) okay2 April, enough about him.heheh...Just as he said, be cool, chill....take it easy, everything will be okay, sooner or later. Haahahaha..okay sayang. :*

If you want to go..please go in peace okay. Leave the rest to May. InsyaAllah, everything will be alright. In this 5 last days April, clear up your mind, clear up your agenda. You thought us so much, thank you to you. Please say to May, give instruction to May how to handle us human, so May can get ready for any circumstances.

To all of us...human being....
Be patience and think in what ever you do. Always back to the basic if you are to happy or too sad which is to our Creator, Allah S.W.T. InsyaAllah it will go easy on you. But still don't forget to keep trying, put your effort in all what you do. If all of that ineffective to you, just keep living your life and never gives up. If you fall, get back up on your own. Because we are the masters of our own.....People around you are supporters that will leveled up your strength. Remember, just be yourself.....We are who we are.



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